Monday, 4 June 2012

Crash diets 'work best': Rapid weight loss can lead to shedding more in the long run

With the holiday season just around the corner, here's news which will be welcomed by those who've been meaning to lose weight but haven't got around to it.
Crash dieting is an effective way to slim, scientists have found. Despite health warnings from nutritionists, research showed that dieters who shed the most weight in their first month also lost more in the long run.
And they were just as likely to maintain their new shape as dieters who lost less.
The message, says the study, is that the first few weeks of a diet are critical and may spur dieters on.
University of Florida researchers followed more than 250 obese women who were asked to cut their calorie intake and increase their exercise for 18 months. Those who lost more than 1.5lb a week during the first month lost more than two stone within six months on average.
But those who initially lost less than half a pound a week ended up losing just 11lb overall. The 1.5lb a week figure is well within the safe limits recommended by most dieticians.
Although women in both groups did put some weight back on, those in the speedy group fared no worse than the others.
Writing in the International Journal of Behavioural Medicine, the researchers said: 'Because weight regain reverses the health benefits achieved with weight loss, considerable efforts have been placed on identifying behavioural factors that may be associated with long-term success. Studies have shown that rate of initial weight loss, even within the first few weeks of treatment, may serve as an important predictor of long-term success.

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